If you are in a tight spot with your personal finances and have payments to meet, now is the perfect time to address this problem and try to alleviate your current financial situation before you go into credit default.
You failed to pay your installments on time and now you have your name blacklisted by the Bank of Portugal? Learn what it means and what you can do to resolve the situation.
Need additional financing to pay off a debt that is starting to get out of your control? Find out what solutions exist for those who need immediate credit with banking problems.
Bad credit is a loan granted by a financial institution that is not repaid by the customer within the agreed-upon terms.
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The increase in credit defaults opened doors to new business segments in the financial area in Portugal.
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It buys houses resulting from defaulted loans and offers the possibility of these properties being leased with a future call option.
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DOMUSVENDA ends judicial dispute, as well as the procedure of alleged swindle started by companies owned by Bank of America, resulting in the termination of all procedures against Domusvenda in 2015.
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